Thursday, November 12, 2015

FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Support Group

My favorite time of year is finally here!! I love Thanksgiving because it's a time to reflect on what you are thankful for. I'm thankful for the ones who have followed me on my journey. As a way to show my appreciation my fellow coach Anna and I are hosting a FREE clean eating challenge group. I get alot of questions about clean eating and how to get started. So we wanted to start this group as a way to provide support and to talk about the basics of clean eating.

This is truly where I seen my nutrition change and over time how I lost those pesky pounds that I never thought would come off. Through Beachbody workouts and clean eating I transitioned from being unhealthy to choosing to live a fit, healthy life!

I think back now to how it was when I got started. I had no clue what clean eating was and thought that it would be impossible. It was a struggle to let those white starchy carbs go!  You know the ones that stick to your rump just when you look at them! ; ) Finding recipes that the hubby liked was even harder. BUT we are both learning to try new foods and recipes. It did take a little time to figure it out because it was something new for me but I was determined to have my body change. I wanted that more than anything!

I highly recommend this book! It's a great resource if you're just getting started.

Now to help make this process easier for you we'll provide: a meal plan, grocery list, support, daily check ins, and motivation!!

I do have a few requirements simply because I want you to succeed in this group and so I can help you along the way.

*I must be your free Beachbody coach if I'm not already. I do this because I want to support you and by doing so I'll send recipes, motivation and tips to keep you on track. Click here to sign up so I can be your free coach:
*You must join the closed group on Facebook:
*Check in once a day and let us know how you're doing.
*And invite a few friends to join you!! Why not let them in on this lifestyle change?!?

So are you READY??? We start Monday November 16th so reserve your spot today!!

To join email me at or message me on Facebook and I'll get you in our free group!  :)

Anna's Transformation
                                                                                          My Transformation 

Monday, November 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Support Group

I feel really bad that I haven't posted on my blog in a while! So this week I have decided to start back blogging! I really enjoy it and I hope by sharing my honest journey to health and fitness that I will inspire someone! :)
So that being said I must tell you that my journey so far has been full of ups, downs, turns, setbacks (well you get the picture)! I fell off the wagon but I'm determined to saddle up and finish out 2015 in the best shape of my life! Today I started a workout program that just so happens to come with a complete nutrition plan. Just what I need to take the guess work out my nutrition and to get the best results. The saying goes results come from 80% of what goes into your mouth and 20% of the work you put in. I've learned that the saying is true. Starting The 21 Day Fix today and I must say I'm legit excited!!!

Everything I need to get started.
Eating Plan and food containers.
Here we GO!!!

The best part is that I get to complete this program with others ladies in a support group. We will give each other support and accountability and achieve results together!! I will give an update each week on how it's going, my thoughts on the workouts and what I'm putting in my mouth! ;) I will share daily on Facebook and Instagram as well. Follow along!

Yesterday I woke up and got to work!! I know that the key to making this week a successful one is planning. From the Eating Plan I wrote my meal plan for the week ahead and made a short grocery list. I already had almost everything I needed in the pantry. I spent a little time searching for yummy but clean recipes on the internet and deciding what I wanted to eat. I did a little meal prepping in the evening and packed my bag for work. I'm all ready for day 1!!

Then onto the worst part the before pictures!! I knew this would be tough. Pictures do not lie! I've been drinking my Shakeology daily but my workouts have been off and my nutrition well let's just say I've been eating whatever I want. Just being honest!! Remember the 80% nutrition rule from above, yep it's true. It was eye opening to see a difference in my body from the lack of healthy choices I've made lately. My "jiggle spots" aka tummy and thighs need some much needed improvement. I will use the pictures to motivate me and push through the next 21 days! I know what I'm working for now and that makes a difference!!

Taking pictures in a sports bra and shorts is not something I typically do. To me it just isn't something I'm comfortable doing. BUT I'm asking my challengers to do this too and I want to fully support them in their journey. I will be right their with them with the uncomfortable assignments.

I'm not a morning workout person so evening workouts are my jam! My friend and fellow coach Anna decided to commit to The 21 Day Fix with me so after work we worked out together. With The 21 Day you complete a different workout each day throughout the week and there is a modifier who modifies each move that you can follow. SCORE!! We did make it through the first workout with crazy sweat and weak legs! But WE got through it!!

Before the workout
Day 1
21 Day Fix

After Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix
Sweaty Lady!!

We DID it!!
Time to finish out the day with a clean supper!
20 Days to GO!!!

Follow along on Facebook- and
Instagram- whitneybroadwell

If you would like to be in my Support group for The 21 Day Fix then please fill out the application below to be added to the Facebook group!!

(Click the link for application)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 1: Update 
21 Day Fix Extreme Results & Meal Plan

I officially completed week 1 of The 21 day Extreme last week with my challenge group! Week one was tough! I really had to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. The first week I was sore due to increasing my weights. No pain no gain! And I didn't miss one workout! That was a major accomplishment for me. I followed the meal plan as close as possible with a little moderation on the weekend but other than that I really locked down on my nutrition. No added sugar was a toughy for me. I did have a few headaches last week from eliminating junk but I in return had more energy. No blah, bloated feeling throughout the day. I honestly don't think I could have made it through the workouts if I didn't fuel my body with clean food! 

Now week 2 started Monday and I'm pretty much doing the same workouts as week 1. I will add in 10 minute hardcore more often to work my core. That and my bottom are my problem areas. Autumn definitely focuses on these areas during the workouts. As far as my meal plan for this week I'm modifying it this week and adding more fish. I can tell my cravings are drastically changing. I have not missed sugar at all this week! I have a major sweet tooth and this gets me in trouble. But Sunday I passed on Red Velvet Oreos which I have been wanting to try since they came out. In return I can see my abs starting to show. Ahh! I've never had these! It's true your results come from 80% of what you're putting in your mouth and 20% from your workouts. I use to think it was the opposite. I put in hours at the gym and got little in return. I just thought it wasn't for me to get in shape but I was wrong. After 1 week I've had better results than 3 months at the gym. That's crazy!!!

Passed on Red Velvet Oreos!! 

Here's my meal plan for week 2:

Sriracha Chicken and Cauliflower Mash

My workout schedule: 

*Monday- Plyo Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Tuesday- Upper Fix Extreme
*Wednesday- Pilates Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Thursday- Lower Fix Extreme
*Friday- Cardio Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Saturday- Dirty 30 Fix Extreme
*Sunday- Yoga Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore

Yoga with my friend Anna!
This isn't your typical Yoga!!

My plan is to increase my weights again next week for the last week of the Extreme. I want to give it my all on the last week and really see what I'm made of! I have a love/hate relationship with the Dirty 30 Extreme workout. This is a total body workout and you go hard for 30 minutes. I promise you'll look forward to Yoga the next day to really stretch it out. 

I have 3 months until I go cruising with my husband and this is what is really pushing me. Not only do I want to be ready to rock a bikini but I really want to just feel confident in my own skin. That's what it's all about to me! Summer bodies are definitely made in the winter and in the kitchen. It's time to really focus and make everyday count from here on out! You can be ready too you just have to commit and do this for you! 

I went bathing suit shopping with my friend yesterday. I need that visual reminder of what I'm working towards to keep me going. Sounds silly I know but hey whatever it takes! Once you change your mindset to "I can and will do this!" then you realize you are completely capable of doing whatever you want. Yes you still may have hiccups along the way BUT I promise you will have the determination to keep going. What's your "why"? Once you know this then it will be easier to stick with your plan. There is nothing wrong with having a treat meal every once in a while but don't let it turn into a day or week. I would hate for this to hold you back after all the hard work you have put in. Don't self sabotage yourself! We can be our own worst enemies. But my progress keeps me going and it will keep you going too!

Oh!! Beautiful bathing suit I will ROCK you this year!

My Results From Week 1! 

I'm down 2 pounds and a total of 5.75 inches from my whole body. 2.75 of the inches came off just my waist!! I'm ecstatic about that!! I'm not where I want to be BUT I'm closer than I was yesterday. I was so motivated by my progress that I woke up at 5 am to workout! I am NOT a morning person but I knew I had plans yesterday evening and I had to get my workout in. I went to my little workout space, played my workout playlist and ignored my excuses. I'm changing not only on the outside but on the inside too! I'm starting to like who I'm becoming!

I'm starting a new fitness/healthy eating group March 16th. I will personally walk you through The 21 Day Fix and The 21 Day Fix Extreme (your choice! 😉) This is a group of ladies supporting one another to reach our health and fitness goals. If you would like to join send me an email at OR add me on Facebook at and send me a message. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan

Getting Back On Track WithThe 21 Day Fix Extreme

I started the 21 Day Fix Extreme 2 weeks ago today but I was not 100% committed. I ended up missing workouts here and there AND my nutrition was off. I found myself sneaking junk food in at night and not giving it my all through the workouts. Since I wasn't fueling my body with the right kinds of food it was all I could do to get through the day without a nap. I just felt Blah and didn't have much energy. I became disappointed in myself and instead of progressing I was taking a major step back. I felt guilty because here I am as a coach that is suppose to help others learn how to make healthy choices and to keep going when it gets hard and not throw in the towel! But I was doing the complete opposite. I had to really dig deep and find the motivation to start again. I had to ask myself "Why did you start to begin with?" When I really focused on this I found my answer. My "why" has changed over the past few years. It started with wanting to lose a couple of pounds so I wouldn't feel self-conscious at the beach in a bikini to SO much more! I still want to feel confident in a bikini this Summer ;) but I also want to help others along the way. I know how it feels to hate how you look on the outside and how it feels when your body consumes too much food and so much junk. I suffered from digestive problems, acne, being overweight, didn't get enough sleep, had little energy, depression and the list goes on and on. I know others are suffering too and I want to help them to take back control of their life and live their life to the fullest. It's never too late to start! I know this now and chose to take care of my body. I started a new accountability group this week and let me tell you this has really kicked my booty into gear!! I got a message Monday from one of the ladies in the group saying "Feeling great! Down 4 pounds since last Sunday. Feeling great means more than the scales right now though."
I'm just over the moon happy to see her getting results and feeling great! This is what truly motivates me everyday to stick it out. So now that I'm back on track I started over Monday with the group and I'm doing the regular extreme plan. After this round I will follow the countdown to competition plan to get maximum results. I have a cruise coming up in June with my hubby and I want to rock that bikini! ;) My goals are to complete the 21 days with NO setbacks, tone up my tummy and booty, stay on track with the meal plan and to just feel better! 

What workouts will I be doing? 
Each day Autumn rotates out a new workout for the week. She has designed the schedule so you get a total body workout that really test your limits. Even on the Upper Fix workout your legs are still working! She is a pure genius!! I will also incorporate the Extreme Hardcore Abs workout every other. This workout unlike the others is a 10 minute workout but don't let it fool you it's a killer! The other workout are 30 minutes long and you will need a set of light and heavy weights, a resistant band and a yoga mat.  
Here's the schedule I'm following:

Monday- Plyo Fix Extreme
Tuesday- Upper Fix Extreme
Wednesday- Pilates Extreme
Thursday- Lower Fix Extreme
Friday- Cardio Fix Extreme
Saturday- Dirty 30 Extreme
Sunday- Yoga Extreme

Before Plyo Fix 

And After!!
Still Feeling The Burn!!

What am I eating this week?
I sat down this week and created my meal plan for the whole week. I find that when I do this I'm able to stay on track and it's just easy to follow when I have a visual. My daily plan looks like this: I get 4 proteins-red containers, 3 vegetables-green containers, 2 fruits-purple containers, 2 carbs-yellow containers, 1 healthy fat/cheese-blue container, 1 dressing/seed-orange container and 2 teaspoons of healthy oils. I really don't have a problem eating the same thing more than once a week if I like it. What I love to do is cook a recipe that has leaves you with leftovers. I just pack those for lunch the next day, saves time and money. Win, win! 
Here's a look at what I'm eating this week:

I did try my hand at 2 new recipes this week. On Monday night I made the Extreme Turkey Chili which is a recipe that Autumn includes with the meal plan and then last night I made Chicken Parmesan. I made a couple of modifications to both original recipes and kind of winged it. My husband didn't eat the turkey chili but he he went back for seconds on the Parmesan. So it's picky eater approved!! I love food so making my favorite dishes healthier is a must for me. I don't want to feel deprived and so far I'm not! The chicken parmesan to me is kind of a treat due to the breadcrumbs and extra cheese but it is definitely lower in fat and calories than Olive Garden. 

Extreme Turkey Chili


1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 lb. Lean ground turkey
medium onion
medium red pepper
2 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 Tbsp chili powder
1/4 tsp chipotle pepper or cayenne pepper
2- 15 oz cans of black beans drained and rinsed
1- 15 oz can of diced tomatoes 

(Ingredients used for chili)


Heat oil in sauce pan over medium heat. Add turkey, red pepper, onion and garlic. Cook until turkey is no longer pink. Add cumin, chili powder and chipotle pepper; cook for 1 minute. Then add beans and tomatoes with liquid. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low or to gentle boil and cook for 20 minutes. 

I used my Ninja Blender to chop the onion and red pepper before adding it to the sauce pan. This saved me tons of time!

Chicken Parmesan


5 skinless, boneless chicken breasts 
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1 Tbsp oregano
1-2 eggs 
1/4 - 1/2 cup of low-fat mozzarella cheese 
Whole wheat angel hair pasta or rotini noodles

Directions for Chicken Parmesan
Combine breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and oregano in a bowl. In another bowl beat egg(s). Brush both sides of chicken with egg and then coat with crumb mixture. Place chicken in casserole dish and bake on 425 degrees for 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly. Cook pasta/noodles as advised on package.

Marinara Sauce Ingredients

2 tsps extra virgin olive oil
1 small yellow finely diced onion
2 minced garlic cloves
1- 28 oz can crushed tomatoes 
Thyme, basil and oregano to taste

Directions Marinara Sauce
In sauce pan sauté onions and garlic in evoo over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Add tomatoes and their juices to onions. Add herbs to pan and gently simmer for about 20 minutes on medium-low heat. 
Top chicken with marinara sauce and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. Serve over noodles or pasta.

Plenty of Leftovers!

How am I doing so far? 3 days in and I'm staying strong...haven't missed a workout and I'm sticking to my meal plan. I resisted cake today at work! I realize I'm in control and 2 weeks ago I would have ate that cake! 
I'm telling myself I can and will do this. 
My daily mantra "Believe you can and you're halfway there." T. Roosevelt 

My next 21 Day Fix Extreme support and accountability group starts March 16th and I would love to have you join me. If you are interested friend me on Facebook and send me a message or comment below.

We are stronger and better together!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What's This Extreme About???

Guess what arrived today?? 

If you guessed the 21 Day Fix Extreme then you are right! I must tell you I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Wait!!! Is that even possible? For the last three weeks I've been doing the 21 Day Fix and tomorrow I start the extreme. I have to be honest I haven't been perfect while doing the 21 DF. I may have skipped some workouts and had a piece of cake or two. BUT I have lost pounds and inches and that motivates me to give it my ALL for the next three weeks. After pictures for the 21 DF and before pics for the Extreme will be taken first thing in the morning. I wanted to share with you about the Extreme in a video so watch below. If you are interested in getting started with the 21 DF or Extreme shoot me a message on Facebook. I still have two spots available. If you are ready to do something for you and tired of giving up then let's DO this! We are better together!!

21 DAYS + Support + Accountability = Success

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday FUN!

I don't know about you but I love Super Bowl Sunday! The yummy food, funny commercials and spending time with my family make for a great Sunday. ONE thing I know for sure is it's hard to resist all the calories that come along with the game. And if you're working hard to get in shape the last thing you want to do is sabotage all your hard work. Don't let one night ruin how far you've come. Yes it's ok to treat yourself with your favorite foods but don't go overboard! 
I want to share with you something that I tried my hand at tonight. Here's a treat that will leave you satisfied without all the extra calories.
It will have your tastebuds singing like Katy Perry's halftime performance! 

SKINNY Frosty Ingredients:
*3/4 cup unsweetened cashew milk
*15 ice cubes
*1/2 tsp. vanilla
*2 tsps. Stevia (add extra if you want it really sweet)
*1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa 
*1/3 banana

Blend in a blender and get ready to enjoy the game!

I have a workout that I want to share with you to burn off all the extra calories you consume tonight. Have fun with it and invite your family and friends to do it with you! 
And remember if you do overindulge tonight enjoy it, forget it and get ready to start fresh tomorrow!

Quick plank during a commercial break. Hurts SO good!!