Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday FUN!

I don't know about you but I love Super Bowl Sunday! The yummy food, funny commercials and spending time with my family make for a great Sunday. ONE thing I know for sure is it's hard to resist all the calories that come along with the game. And if you're working hard to get in shape the last thing you want to do is sabotage all your hard work. Don't let one night ruin how far you've come. Yes it's ok to treat yourself with your favorite foods but don't go overboard! 
I want to share with you something that I tried my hand at tonight. Here's a treat that will leave you satisfied without all the extra calories.
It will have your tastebuds singing like Katy Perry's halftime performance! 

SKINNY Frosty Ingredients:
*3/4 cup unsweetened cashew milk
*15 ice cubes
*1/2 tsp. vanilla
*2 tsps. Stevia (add extra if you want it really sweet)
*1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa 
*1/3 banana

Blend in a blender and get ready to enjoy the game!

I have a workout that I want to share with you to burn off all the extra calories you consume tonight. Have fun with it and invite your family and friends to do it with you! 
And remember if you do overindulge tonight enjoy it, forget it and get ready to start fresh tomorrow!

Quick plank during a commercial break. Hurts SO good!!

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