Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 1: Update 
21 Day Fix Extreme Results & Meal Plan

I officially completed week 1 of The 21 day Extreme last week with my challenge group! Week one was tough! I really had to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. The first week I was sore due to increasing my weights. No pain no gain! And I didn't miss one workout! That was a major accomplishment for me. I followed the meal plan as close as possible with a little moderation on the weekend but other than that I really locked down on my nutrition. No added sugar was a toughy for me. I did have a few headaches last week from eliminating junk but I in return had more energy. No blah, bloated feeling throughout the day. I honestly don't think I could have made it through the workouts if I didn't fuel my body with clean food! 

Now week 2 started Monday and I'm pretty much doing the same workouts as week 1. I will add in 10 minute hardcore more often to work my core. That and my bottom are my problem areas. Autumn definitely focuses on these areas during the workouts. As far as my meal plan for this week I'm modifying it this week and adding more fish. I can tell my cravings are drastically changing. I have not missed sugar at all this week! I have a major sweet tooth and this gets me in trouble. But Sunday I passed on Red Velvet Oreos which I have been wanting to try since they came out. In return I can see my abs starting to show. Ahh! I've never had these! It's true your results come from 80% of what you're putting in your mouth and 20% from your workouts. I use to think it was the opposite. I put in hours at the gym and got little in return. I just thought it wasn't for me to get in shape but I was wrong. After 1 week I've had better results than 3 months at the gym. That's crazy!!!

Passed on Red Velvet Oreos!! 

Here's my meal plan for week 2:

Sriracha Chicken and Cauliflower Mash

My workout schedule: 

*Monday- Plyo Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Tuesday- Upper Fix Extreme
*Wednesday- Pilates Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Thursday- Lower Fix Extreme
*Friday- Cardio Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore
*Saturday- Dirty 30 Fix Extreme
*Sunday- Yoga Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore

Yoga with my friend Anna!
This isn't your typical Yoga!!

My plan is to increase my weights again next week for the last week of the Extreme. I want to give it my all on the last week and really see what I'm made of! I have a love/hate relationship with the Dirty 30 Extreme workout. This is a total body workout and you go hard for 30 minutes. I promise you'll look forward to Yoga the next day to really stretch it out. 

I have 3 months until I go cruising with my husband and this is what is really pushing me. Not only do I want to be ready to rock a bikini but I really want to just feel confident in my own skin. That's what it's all about to me! Summer bodies are definitely made in the winter and in the kitchen. It's time to really focus and make everyday count from here on out! You can be ready too you just have to commit and do this for you! 

I went bathing suit shopping with my friend yesterday. I need that visual reminder of what I'm working towards to keep me going. Sounds silly I know but hey whatever it takes! Once you change your mindset to "I can and will do this!" then you realize you are completely capable of doing whatever you want. Yes you still may have hiccups along the way BUT I promise you will have the determination to keep going. What's your "why"? Once you know this then it will be easier to stick with your plan. There is nothing wrong with having a treat meal every once in a while but don't let it turn into a day or week. I would hate for this to hold you back after all the hard work you have put in. Don't self sabotage yourself! We can be our own worst enemies. But my progress keeps me going and it will keep you going too!

Oh!! Beautiful bathing suit I will ROCK you this year!

My Results From Week 1! 

I'm down 2 pounds and a total of 5.75 inches from my whole body. 2.75 of the inches came off just my waist!! I'm ecstatic about that!! I'm not where I want to be BUT I'm closer than I was yesterday. I was so motivated by my progress that I woke up at 5 am to workout! I am NOT a morning person but I knew I had plans yesterday evening and I had to get my workout in. I went to my little workout space, played my workout playlist and ignored my excuses. I'm changing not only on the outside but on the inside too! I'm starting to like who I'm becoming!

I'm starting a new fitness/healthy eating group March 16th. I will personally walk you through The 21 Day Fix and The 21 Day Fix Extreme (your choice! 😉) This is a group of ladies supporting one another to reach our health and fitness goals. If you would like to join send me an email at OR add me on Facebook at and send me a message. 

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