Thursday, November 12, 2015

FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Support Group

My favorite time of year is finally here!! I love Thanksgiving because it's a time to reflect on what you are thankful for. I'm thankful for the ones who have followed me on my journey. As a way to show my appreciation my fellow coach Anna and I are hosting a FREE clean eating challenge group. I get alot of questions about clean eating and how to get started. So we wanted to start this group as a way to provide support and to talk about the basics of clean eating.

This is truly where I seen my nutrition change and over time how I lost those pesky pounds that I never thought would come off. Through Beachbody workouts and clean eating I transitioned from being unhealthy to choosing to live a fit, healthy life!

I think back now to how it was when I got started. I had no clue what clean eating was and thought that it would be impossible. It was a struggle to let those white starchy carbs go!  You know the ones that stick to your rump just when you look at them! ; ) Finding recipes that the hubby liked was even harder. BUT we are both learning to try new foods and recipes. It did take a little time to figure it out because it was something new for me but I was determined to have my body change. I wanted that more than anything!

I highly recommend this book! It's a great resource if you're just getting started.

Now to help make this process easier for you we'll provide: a meal plan, grocery list, support, daily check ins, and motivation!!

I do have a few requirements simply because I want you to succeed in this group and so I can help you along the way.

*I must be your free Beachbody coach if I'm not already. I do this because I want to support you and by doing so I'll send recipes, motivation and tips to keep you on track. Click here to sign up so I can be your free coach:
*You must join the closed group on Facebook:
*Check in once a day and let us know how you're doing.
*And invite a few friends to join you!! Why not let them in on this lifestyle change?!?

So are you READY??? We start Monday November 16th so reserve your spot today!!

To join email me at or message me on Facebook and I'll get you in our free group!  :)

Anna's Transformation
                                                                                          My Transformation 

Monday, November 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Support Group

I feel really bad that I haven't posted on my blog in a while! So this week I have decided to start back blogging! I really enjoy it and I hope by sharing my honest journey to health and fitness that I will inspire someone! :)
So that being said I must tell you that my journey so far has been full of ups, downs, turns, setbacks (well you get the picture)! I fell off the wagon but I'm determined to saddle up and finish out 2015 in the best shape of my life! Today I started a workout program that just so happens to come with a complete nutrition plan. Just what I need to take the guess work out my nutrition and to get the best results. The saying goes results come from 80% of what goes into your mouth and 20% of the work you put in. I've learned that the saying is true. Starting The 21 Day Fix today and I must say I'm legit excited!!!

Everything I need to get started.
Eating Plan and food containers.
Here we GO!!!

The best part is that I get to complete this program with others ladies in a support group. We will give each other support and accountability and achieve results together!! I will give an update each week on how it's going, my thoughts on the workouts and what I'm putting in my mouth! ;) I will share daily on Facebook and Instagram as well. Follow along!

Yesterday I woke up and got to work!! I know that the key to making this week a successful one is planning. From the Eating Plan I wrote my meal plan for the week ahead and made a short grocery list. I already had almost everything I needed in the pantry. I spent a little time searching for yummy but clean recipes on the internet and deciding what I wanted to eat. I did a little meal prepping in the evening and packed my bag for work. I'm all ready for day 1!!

Then onto the worst part the before pictures!! I knew this would be tough. Pictures do not lie! I've been drinking my Shakeology daily but my workouts have been off and my nutrition well let's just say I've been eating whatever I want. Just being honest!! Remember the 80% nutrition rule from above, yep it's true. It was eye opening to see a difference in my body from the lack of healthy choices I've made lately. My "jiggle spots" aka tummy and thighs need some much needed improvement. I will use the pictures to motivate me and push through the next 21 days! I know what I'm working for now and that makes a difference!!

Taking pictures in a sports bra and shorts is not something I typically do. To me it just isn't something I'm comfortable doing. BUT I'm asking my challengers to do this too and I want to fully support them in their journey. I will be right their with them with the uncomfortable assignments.

I'm not a morning workout person so evening workouts are my jam! My friend and fellow coach Anna decided to commit to The 21 Day Fix with me so after work we worked out together. With The 21 Day you complete a different workout each day throughout the week and there is a modifier who modifies each move that you can follow. SCORE!! We did make it through the first workout with crazy sweat and weak legs! But WE got through it!!

Before the workout
Day 1
21 Day Fix

After Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix
Sweaty Lady!!

We DID it!!
Time to finish out the day with a clean supper!
20 Days to GO!!!

Follow along on Facebook- and
Instagram- whitneybroadwell

If you would like to be in my Support group for The 21 Day Fix then please fill out the application below to be added to the Facebook group!!

(Click the link for application)